Recent Activities
Photos from our December 9th Christmas/Winter Celebration! There was great food, music, and fellowship among faculty, staff, and students. DII would like to thank everyone who participated in making this event a success. Special shout out to the planning committee (Cynthia McDade, Sandra Mahoney, Stephanie Carter, Norma Garcia, Kimberly Deese, and Rhonda Hamby).
Not only did we have fun, but we also participated in a Toy Drive for HT Jones Elementary School in Prairie View, Texas. With your generous donations, Cynthia dropped off 11 bags of toys on Friday, December 15th. We would also like to thank the Department of Pathology who was instrumental in making the Toy Drive a success.
A tradition was also started. The winners of this year’s 2023 Office Feud game was team Jarkly (Josh & Lynda Reese, Ather Adnan, Cheristena Bolos, and Kimberly Deese). Who will claim the trophy next year?
- Toy Drive – Cynthia McDade and Kassi Lang
- Toy Drive
- Cadillac Bar
- Dr. Jacobs and Cynthia Dancing!
- Office Feud Winners, Team Jarkly! (Josh & Lynda Reese, Ather Adnan, Cheristena Bolos, and Kimberly Deese)
- Team Physics
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