(left to right): President of CFISD Board of Trustees Tom Jackson, Senior VIP and CEO of Memorial Hermann Cypress Jerry Ashworth, Associate Medical Director of Cy-Faire Fire Department Dr. Lesley Osborn, Cy-Fair Fire Department Fire Chief Amy Ramon, Assistant Chief EMS of Cy-Fair Fire Department Justin Reed (Photo by Public Information Officer of Cy-Fair Fire Department, Daniel Arizpe)
On Tuesday, January 18, 2022, Lesley Osborn, MD, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine and Medical Director of the Memorial Hermann Life Flight® was selected as the First Responder Honoree for her exceptional service and commitment to prehospital care. During a luncheon in Cypress hosted by the Cy-Fair Houston Chamber of Commerce, Dr. Osborn’s contributions to the Cy-Fair Fire Department were recognized.
“Dr. Osborn has been instrumental to prehospital success in the Cy-Fair community as well as the state, region, and nationally,” explained Assistant Chief EMS of Cy-Fair Fire Department, Justin Reed.
The General Member Luncheon recognizes First Responder Agencies monthly, and for the month of January, the Cy-Fair Fire Department was selected for acknowledgment.
“I want to personally thank the Cy-Fair Chamber of Commerce and Fire Department for being recognized as a first responder honoree. Serving as a medical director for this community is incredibly rewarding,” said Dr. Osborn.
Dr. Lesley Osborn’s operational EMS experience led her to become the Cy-Fair Fire Department’s Associate Medical Director, a position she has held since 2018.