UT Health Houston: Save a Life Event – Thank You


On Wednesday, January 25th, the Mobile Simulation Training Unit (MSTU) team held the second UTHealth Houston Saves A Life event of this academic year, titled “How To Use an AED”, on the TMC campus in Webber plaza. This segment focused on teaching students, faculty, and general members of the Houston community how to use an AED device, as well as teaching hands-only CPR. Thankfully, the weather cooperated, and we had a great turnout! For those who missed the event this time, pictures are attached. A compilation video was been posted to the UTHealth Houston Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages (see links below).

We would like to send a big THANK YOU to everyone who helped make this event a success! Several members of our Emergency Department, including our Chair Dr. Bobrow, faculty, and residents, as well as several medical student liaisons came to offer their assistance with teaching about 25 participants, the majority of them being excited and eager McGovern medical students. We were able to use our CPR analyzing manikins to give real-time feedback and analyze compressions, as well as AED devices to teach attendees how to properly place pads and use the device when needed in emergency situations. We received a lot of feedback on how useful the event was for those who participated, and how happy they were to be able to have some hands on experience to tie into what they have learned in classes and training courses.

Mobile SIM unit team Dr. Bobrow leading the CPR training Bobrow leading CPR training 2 Students learn CPR Students learn CPR 2

The MSTU team will keep you all in the loop for upcoming events, with hopes to hold quarterly UTHealth Houston Saves A Life events with rotating topics.

Feel free to reach out to Jasmine Ginn – [email protected] if you are interested in helping with future events or if you have questions.


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cn5J3etjS03/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Facebook: https://fb.watch/inFWhQ2ZOG/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/UTHealthHouston/status/1618720630047744017?s=20&t=w1646Oy-1FbRX3uiVlcIdQ

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/uthealth-houston_cpr-and-aed-training-activity-7024488004933062658-KlIB?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop



Mobile Simulation Training Unit (MSTU) Team