Emergency Medicine Kicks Off Academic Year with “Hands-Only CPR and AED Use” Event


The Department of Emergency Medicine is continuing its commitment to equipping future healthcare professionals with life-saving skills!

On Tuesday, September 12th, we held our “Hands-Only CPR and AED Use” session, as part of our Saves-a-Life Series at McGovern’s Webber Plaza.

Students had the unique opportunity to practice on manikins equipped with real-time feedback systems, allowing them to fine-tune their compression adequacy skills.
Additionally, simulation AED Devices allowed participants to familiarize themselves with this crucial life-saving equipment.

Our department extends its heartfelt appreciation to the Faculty, Residents, and Students who made this event a resounding success! It serves as a reminder that together, we can make a significant impact in the world of emergency medicine and healthcare.

Our next event “Anaphylaxis Recognition & Treatment” will be held on November 7, 2023. We hope to see you there!