Lights, Camera, Action! EM Residents featured in new UTH SBMI video


A few of our EM Residents recently showcased their acting chops’ & commitment to advancing healthcare by participating in a video for the SBMI – McWilliams School of Biomedical Informatics at UTHealth Houston.

The featured clip, Clip 3: The Physician Faculty Meeting, February 4, 7:00 AM, captured the engagement of our residents during the One STAT Project Kickoff Physician Faculty Meeting. The simulated meeting aimed to provide a platform for physicians to voice their queries and concerns regarding the upcoming project.

The Department of Emergency Medicine expressed immense pride in their residents’ active role in the video. The clip serves as a testament to their enthusiasm for healthcare innovation.

Let us know if you see some familiar faces!

Here’s the clip: SC4_UT_BEST_OF_BREED_D04 (