Safe Generator Use to Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: Tips from Dr. Hilary Fairbrother


Dr. Fairbrother in circle As Houston continues to grapple with widespread power outages in the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl, many residents are turning to generators for the first time. While these machines can be lifesavers, they also pose serious risks if not used correctly, particularly the threat of carbon monoxide (CO2) poisoning—a silent killer.

Dr. Hilary Fairbrother, an Emergency Medicine physician, was recently interviewed by KHOU11 News in a segment titled How to Safely Use Generators and Avoid Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. She provided crucial information on recognizing the early signs and symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, including:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Headaches
  • Numbness & tingling in arms and legs
  • Dizziness & weakness
  • Confusion
  • Upset stomach & vomiting
  • Chest pain
  • Unconsciousness

Click here or on the image below for the full interview:

Dr. Fairbrother news snip

co2 imageThe Dangers of Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide is odorless, tasteless, and invisible, making it particularly dangerous. If a generator is placed outside but too close to your home, garage, or near air intake vents for your AC unit, it can push CO2 into your home, putting everyone inside at risk.

Safety Measures and Tips from Dr. Fairbrother
Dr. Fairbrother emphasized the importance of CO2 detectors. If an alarm goes off, evacuate your home immediately and ensure that children and the elderly are out safely. Since Hurricane Beryl, the Emergency Center at Memorial Hermann has treated numerous cases of carbon monoxide poisoning, including entire families who were poisoned while sleeping. Dr. Fairbrother urged everyone to take this threat seriously and offered these key tips for using generators safely:

  1. Keep It Away: Always place your generator at least 20 feet away from your home, completely uncovered, and in a well-ventilated area. Never use it indoors.
  2. Avoid Air Intakes: Identify the air intake vents of your home and ensure the generator is not placed near them or your AC unit.
  3. Recognize Symptoms: If anyone in your household begins to experience symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, leave your home immediately and seek medical attention.

Thank you for sharing your expertise and helping to keep Houston and its surrounding communities safe during this challenging time, Dr. Fairbrother!

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