McGovern Medical School Students

MS3 Emergency Medicine Elective (EMER 3030)

A great introduction to the practice of emergency medicine and the approach to the undifferentiated patient. The course is Pass/Fail and only open to McGovern Medical School students.

Rotation highlights:

  • 3-week elective with 10 eight-hour shifts (days/evenings/nights/weekends).
  • Weekly Thursday morning emergency medicine resident conference
  • Small group didactics and procedure/SIM lab scheduled during the block (content subject to change based on availability).

MS3 Emergency Ultrasound Elective (EMER 3030)

This elective will provide an introduction to the use of bedside ultrasonography in the emergency department. Students will learn how to use the ultrasound machine and how to perform the emergency medicine ultrasounds that are commonly used to help diagnose and differentiate our urgent and emergent, undifferentiated patients. The course is Pass/Fail and only open to McGovern Medical School students.

Rotation Highlights:

  • 3-week elective with 10 eight-hour scan shifts with EM faculty who have point of care ultrasound expertise
  • Asynchronous emergency ultrasound focused didactic materials
  • Weekly Wednesday ultrasound section conference
  • Weekly Thursday morning emergency medicine resident conference

MS4 Advanced ECG Interpretation and Clinical Application (EMER 4M01)

Comprehensive online curriculum designed to have most hours completed at the students’ own pace, in their home and is compliant with social distancing recommendations that may be required as well as other scheduling constraints that students may need additional flexibility with. The course is Pass/Fail and only open to McGovern Medical School students.

Rotation highlights:

  • 2-week elective with online assessments and videos
  • 3 mandatory sessions reviewing course material
  • Final presentation

MS4 Introduction to Point of Care Clinical Ultrasound (EMER 4M02)

This two-week elective will provide an introduction to the use of bedside ultrasonography in routine clinical care in an emergency department setting.  Students will learn how to use the ultrasound machine and how to perform the emergency medicine ultrasounds that are commonly used to help diagnose and differentiate our urgent and emergent, undifferentiated patients.  Students will assist in review of studies performed by residents and faculty in the emergency department during regularly scheduled QA sessions. The course is Pass/Fail and only open to McGovern Medical School students.

Rotation highlights:

  • 2-week elective with 5 shifts scan shifts with EM faculty who have point of care ultrasound expertise
  • Weekly Wednesday ultrasound section conference
  • Weekly Thursday morning emergency medicine resident conference

MS4 General EM Elective (EMER 4004) / MS4 EM Ambulatory Elective (4000)

An advanced elective geared towards developing the physician (both EM and non-EM bound) by challenging each student to provide, develop and carry out care plans for their patients. The course is H/HP/P/BP/F and only open to McGovern Medical School students.

Rotation highlights:

  • 4-week elective with 14 eight-hour shifts (days/evenings/nights/weekends).
  • Weekly Thursday morning emergency medicine resident conference (*excludes Ambulatory students)
  • Small group didactics and advanced procedure/SIM lab scheduled during the block (content subject to change based on availability; *excludes Ambulatory students).
  • Opportunity to join EM journal club (if offered that month)

MS4 Advanced Patient Care Selective (EMER 4110)

A complaint-based experience in which undifferentiated patients as well as critically ill patients are represented. Procedural skills are developed as well as providing the student a robust resuscitation experience. This course is Honors/High Pass/Pass/Fail and open to McGovern Medical School students.

Rotation highlights:

  • 4-week elective with 14 eight-hour shifts (days/evenings/nights/weekends).
  • Weekly Thursday morning emergency medicine resident conference
  • Small group didactics and advanced procedure/SIM lab scheduled during the block (content subject to change based on availability)
  • Opportunity to join EM journal club (if offered that month)
  • Student presentations on EM specific topics

MS4 Prehospital and Disaster Medicine (EMER 4005)

This elective will provide medical students with an insight into the full spectrum or prehospital and disaster medicine, including EMS medical direction, prehospital systems of care, interfacility transfer of patients, operational prehospital medicine, and disaster mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. This course will lead to a future physician who is better able to engage with the prehospital providers and agencies that respond and transport patients to or from the hospitals of their future careers. Additionally, the learners will recognize the importance of disaster management and be prepared to participate in disaster planning and response. The student will work to understand major concepts in prehospital and disaster medicine as it pertains to systems of care in the prehospital to hospital, transfer, or post discharge realms. This course is Honors/High Pass/Pass/Fail and open to McGovern Medical School students.

Rotation highlights:

  • 4 week elective (days/evenings/nights/weekends)
  • Small group didactics
  • Students will take part in a series of field experiences as available, which will include basic life support, advanced life support, technical rescue, EMS Supervisor, and/or EMS physician ride-outs with the Houston Fire Department and other local emergency response agencies who have a medical direction relationship with the Department of Emergency Medicine’s Prehospital and Disaster Medicine Section.
  • Final exam

MS4 Pediatric Emergency Medicine (EMER 4007)

This elective will give students the unique opportunity to learn about and care for acutely ill children who present with a wide range of presentations.  Additionally, this elective allows students to spend time dedicated to pediatric emergency medicine, including the process of diagnostics, management, and transition of care, as well as perform procedures under direct supervision. This course is Honors/High Pass/Pass/Fail and open to McGovern Medical School students.

Rotation highlights:

  • 4 week elective (days/evenings/nights/weekends).
  • Weekly Wednesday conferences, monthly small group conferences, and a select few of EM Resident Thursday conferences
  • Small group Didactics with Pediatric Residents

MS4 Houston Emergency Opioid Engagement System (HEROES) (EMER 4008)

During the 4-week elective, you will rotate through the HEROES clinic, assisting providers with new intake appointments as well as follow up appointments to learn about opioid addiction and treatment. You will also have the opportunity to observe group therapy sessions and adjuncts to medication assisted treatment for opioid use disorder. There will be required readings, modules and quizzes to be completed by the end of the rotation and a mid-point rotation meeting with Dr. Walia in person (or can be arranged virtually).

Rotation highlights:

  • 4 week elective (days/evenings/nights/weekends).
  • Recognize disease of addiction
  • Understand the opioid epidemic and the prevalence of opioid use disorder
  • Understand medication & non-medication assisted treatment of opioid use disorder
  • Readings, Modules, and Quizzes