Dr. Salil Bhandari receives ACEP’s Rookie Speaker of the Year Award!


EM Assistant Professor and Director of Faculty Development & Media Relations, Salil Bhandari, MD was awarded the Rookie Speaker of the Year at the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) 2023 Scientific Assembly in Philadelphia, PA.

This prestigious national award recognizes the highest-performing speaker at the previous year’s Scientific Assembly. By the way, this is the world’s largest emergency medicine conference!

UTHealth Houston – McGovern Medical School’s “Scoop” was thrilled to hear about this prestigious honor and shared Dr. Bhandari’s accomplishment in a recent e-newsletter.

Dr. Bhandari’s contributions to emergency medicine, commitment to education, and recognition as Rookie Speaker of the Year highlight his significant impact in our esteemed field.

Congratulations on this well-deserved honor, Dr. Bhandari!