Navigating the Risks: Dr. Camila Calderón sheds light on the dangers of cat bites and the vital role of immediate medical attention


Check out this recent Lifehacker web article, Cat Bites Can Can Actually Be Quite Dangerous that features EM’s Camila Calderon Molestina, MD. The article highlights the potential dangers of cat bites, emphasizing that they can be unusually risky compared to other animal bites.

Dr. Calderon provides invaluable insights on this overlooked subject, shedding light on the risks involved with cat bites and what actions to take if bitten. Timely care and attention to these seemingly small wounds can be a crucial step in preventing severe complications.

In the world of feline encounters, Dr. Calderon’s advice is key to safeguarding against unseen risks and ensuring a purr-fectly safe recovery.