Igniting Passion & Potential: The City of Houston’s CASEY Program and UTH-EM Team Up!


The City of Houston’s CASEY Program, in partnership with UTHealth Houston, sparked excitement and opportunity for students at Blanson CTE High School by integrating firefighting and EMS careers into their high school experience!

This year’s Battle of the Ops event, co-hosted by the Department of Emergency Medicine was a resounding success! The event was our largest and most engaging yet, featuring realistic EMS scenarios, interactive skills stations, and invaluable insights into the medical field.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Renee Johnson, MD, MPH, Byron “Tony” Harrison, Sr., Lic-P, MEd, BS, EMS-C, and our collaborator(s) at the Cizik School of Nursing Simulation & Clinical Performance Laboratory for their dedication and hard work.

Kudos to all the participating students for their outstanding effort and commitment, and we look forward to seeing your skills in-action!