Future Healthcare Heroes in Action! Our SHPEP Students rocked the IO & Intubation Workshop


We were honored to host an IO & Intubation Workshop via the McGovern Medical School SIM Center for our visiting SHPEP Students!

SHPEP Main collage photo.

A big shoutout goes to EM Vice Chair of Education, Hilary Fairbrother, MD, MPH along with PGY1s Mahmoud Yousef & Altamish Daredia, for leading this hands-on experience.

Collage of SHPEP Students workshop.SHPEP (Summer Health Professions Education Program) is a fantastic free summer program that creates opportunities for students who are underrepresented in healthcare fields. These bright students, typically sophomores or juniors in college from all over the US, are here at McGovern to develop essential competencies for becoming successful applicants to health profession programs, plan their academic journeys, gain clinical exposure, and network with professionals.

During our workshop, the students received valuable hands-on experience and had a fun-filled day of learning. We’d like to extend our gratitude to our friends at the SIM Center for always lending a hand, and to our dedicated Faculty & Residents who assisted with shadowing shifts on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Wide view of Sim lab during SHPEP workshop.

Thank you all, and we look forward to welcoming next summer’s students!