Department Publications in JETem
The Department of Emergency Medicine at McGovern Med at UTHealth published two articles in the latest issue of JETem. First, Dr. Adeola Kosoko et al shared their curriculum created to augment the skills of prehospital providers in developing emergency medical…
James Langabeer, PhD, named new Vice Chair of Population Health
Please join us in welcoming and congratulating James Langabeer, PhD as the new Vice Chair of Population Health in the Department of Emergency Medicine. Dr. Langabeer is internationally recognized for quality and outcomes research in emergency medicine. His largest funded…
Dr. Hill Receives Ebony Award
Dr. Mandy Hill, DrPH, MPH, Associate Professor and Assistant Research Director in the Department of Emergency Medicine was recently recognized for her work in public health at the Texas Black Women’s Initiative Houston Team. Dr. Hill was named as the recipient…
Dr. Fairbrother, EMRA 45 under 45 influencer
We’re extremely proud and excited to announce that Dr. Hilary Fairbrother, Associate Professor and Director Of Undergraduate Education, has been selected as one of EMRA’s 45 Under 45 Award Recipients. EMRA received over 400 applications for this award and based…
Speaking a Language of Caring
Last Thursday, a cardiac arrest survivor joined our weekly conference – sharing their heart-warming story of acceptance, resiliency, redemption and gratitude. Stories like these continue to inspire us towards excellence in emergency care, resuscitation and cardiac arrest management – but also serve to remind us of our department, hospital and discipline’s unique opportunity to change our patients’ lives for the better.
Alumni Day
This Thursday, August 29th is Alumni Day. We’re excited to welcome all alumni to join us and catch up with old friends. Your residency has grown exponentially thanks to your contributions, and we’d like to show it off. Location: MSB…
Introducing Dr. Keegan Tupchong
The Department of Emergency Medicine continues to grow with more wonderful faculty members. We’re excited to introduce Dr. Keegan Tupchong who is amazingly fellowship-trained in both ultrasound and critical care. Dr. Tupchong is originally from Toronto, Canada. He went to…
Walk With Our Docs
The Walk with a Doc program was started by Dr. David Sabgir, a cardiologist in Columbus, Ohio as a way to join his patients in a simple, and healthy activity. His first event had over one hundred attendees, all energized…
McGovern Med EM co-author Myths in Emergency Medicine
Congratulations to our faculty co-authors Drs. Dan Ostermayer and Ben Cooper (and chapter authors Giordano, Fadial, Lesnick, Patel, Stephens, Ugalde, Waller-Delarosa, and Witkov) on the publication of their latest book “Myths in Emergency Medicine”. This book was a huge team…
Dr. Lesley Osborn named Medical Director of Life Flight®
The Red Duke Trauma Institute at Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center announced two new leaders for the Memorial Hermann Life Flight® program including Lesley Osborn, MD – Assistant Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth…