Simultaneous Bilateral Cochlear Implants in an Infant After Meningitis
In April 2010, eight-month-old Antonio Campos contracted bacterial meningitis that led to a two-week stay at Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital in the Texas Medical Center. After a pre-discharge vision and hearing test, his mother Giovana Blas was told that the…
Laryngotracheal Reconstruction Using Anterior Cricoid Suspension in a Three Year Old
When Cameron Chan was delivered at Memorial Hermann The Woodlands Hospital on June 16, 2009, he was – at 24 weeks gestation – the youngest baby born to date at the hospital. “He was struggling,” recalls his mother Mandy Chan….
Single-Incision Minimally Invasive Parathyroidectomy
Board-certified otorhinolaryngologist Ron Karni, MD, was the third ENT whom Rosemary Sauceda saw after routine blood work performed by her oncologist revealed hypercalcemia. A former renal cell carcinoma patient, Sauceda was concerned that her cancer had metastasized. When her oncologist…
Multidisciplinary Virtual Pre-surgical Planning Optimizes the Outcome for an Ameloblastoma Patient
By the time 27-year-old Reginald Durden saw oral and maxillofacial surgeon Nagi Demian, DDS, MD, the ameloblastoma had destroyed his lower jaw. Three surgeries later, Durden has a normal appearance, with scars that are barely visible, and he can talk…
Transoral Robotic Surgery for the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
When the da Vinci® Surgical System was approved by the FDA in 2009 for transoral robotic surgery (TORS) for resection of tumors of the pharynx, otorhinolaryngologists affiliated with the University of Texas Medical School at Houston (UTHealth) and Memorial Hermann-Texas…
Using Intraoperative Staining to Identify the Parathyroid Adenoma
Rosa Castillo was unaware that she had major health problems until her primary care physician, discovered high levels of calcium in routine blood work. When the hypercalcemia persisted, she referred her to an endocrinologist. About 99 percent of all cases…
A Collaborative Approach Offers Patients a Less Invasive Alternative for Surgical Excision of Pituitary Tumors
Surgery is the primary treatment for pituitary tumors and until the last decade, neurosurgeons favored the traditional microscopic sublabial transseptal approach – an incision under the lip, use of a retractor to push away nasal tissue and placement of a…
Minimally Invasive Surgery for Skull Base Cancer
Toward the end of 2010 and well into 2011, 32-year-old Kurtis White had a persistent runny nose that he assumed was caused by allergies. After trying various over-the-counter medications for nearly six months – without relief – he made an…
Facial Reanimation Surgery Brightens a Young Boy’s Future
It been a year since Matthew La Macchia was attacked by an American bulldog while playing with friends just down the street from his home. Matthew, who was eight years old at the time, suffered six wounds on the scalp…
Morphoproteomics: Driving a Shift to Personalized Care for Sinonasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma
The sudden onset of nasal congestion and loss of sense of smell are commonly associated with acute viral respiratory tract infections, but on rare occasions, these rather mundane symptoms can be signs of something much more serious. Forty-year-old Johnie E….