Life in Houston

Houston – America’s fourth-largest metropolitan city, Houston is considered a majority-minority city. It is consistently ranked one of the most diverse cities in the United States, with growing numbers of racial minorities and a large LGBTQIA+ community. In addition to ethnic diversity, racial, religious, cultural, and personal diversity makes Houston a special place to learn and grow as a person and a professional. Known for its mix of traditional southern kindness and big city open-mindedness, Houstonians are a welcoming and friendly bunch!
Houston is recognized across the globe for being home to the world’s largest medical center (Texas Medical Center or TMC), as well as supporting substantial industries in Aeronautics, Biomedical Research, and Oil and Natural Gas. Houston also has a considerable free and paid fine arts opportunities including opera, ballet, theater, orchestra, visual arts, and folk art. Considerably less expensive than other urban food scenes, Houston nevertheless rivals (and perhaps even surpasses!) other major cities in the depth, breadth, and quality of food offerings around town – including a robust food truck scene, fine dining, casual eating, and selections from every corner of the world. Houston is also known for being family-friendly, with numerous museums, parks, indoor and outdoor activity and cultural centers, historical landmarks, sports arenas, places of worship and spirituality, convention centers, music concert and performance halls, several public school districts, religious and secular private & charter school options, and much much more!
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