Community Engagement

The UTHealth-Houston Department of Emergency Medicine’s faculty and residents are committed to extending its reach outside the walls of the emergency room and into the Houston community.

Throughout the year we regularly take part in food drives and clothing drives during times of need in Houston, toy drives for children during holiday months in conjunction with Salvation Army, CPR outreach to communities with disparities in cardiac arrest care, and mentorship programs to first-generation college students interested in medicine. We believe giving to the community is just as important as the care we provide within the Emergency Department.

McGovern EM-Momentum Education Medical Pipeline Mentorship Program

UTHealth-Houston’s Department of Emergency Medicine residents and faculty partner with non-profit organization Momentum Education to provide one-on-one mentorship to first-generation, low-income college students interested in medicine as a career. The program was a joint effort of two family members combining passions: emergency medicine faculty member, Salil Bhandari, MD and Dr. Bhandari’s cousin and Momentum Education President, Neeraj Salhotra, a Harvard Law graduate. Both decided to join their forces together to create this unique partnership that allows the Department of Emergency Medicine to give back to the surrounding Houston community.

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Left: Dr. Omoyeni Clement attending her mentee’s college graduation. Middle: Dr. Salil Bhandari taking a Momentum mentee to the head of bed before a Level 1 Trauma resuscitation Right: Dr. Julia Guo having lunch with her mentee and imparting life advice.

Currently, over 30 low-income college students are begin mentored into medicine by our faculty and residents, and each year we hope the number continues to grow.  For more information about Momentum Education, please visit

Salvation Army Angel Tree Adoption & Houston Food Bank Program

Every year during the December holidays, the Department of EM teams up with Salvation Army to provide holiday gifts to low-income children in the Houston Community from a wishlist that the children have created. 

Image of Sam Luber volunteering at Houston Food Bank.

Dr. Samuel Luber is lending a helping hand with preparing boxes of food

It’s a wonderful tradition in the department and weaved into the family structure of the department as each residency family pairs with a few children in the Houston community.  In addition, we partner with the Houston Foodbank to help package and deliver foods to local families in need.

Save a Life Series

Our UTHealth Emergency Medicine simulation faculty and residents are committed to equipping the community with life-saving skills through the Save a Life Series. These hands-on, simulation-based sessions teach essential emergency interventions to individuals with little to no prior medical training, helping them gain the knowledge and confidence to act in critical situations before professional help arrives.

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Since 2022, we have provided training to McGovern Medical School students, UTHealth graduate students, and campus faculty, with the goal of expanding these sessions to the Greater Houston community. Topics include Hands-Only CPR, AED use, anaphylaxis recognition, Narcan administration, tourniquet application, choking rescue techniques, and wilderness first aid.

Through brief, accessible training, we empower everyday people to step in and make a difference—because small actions can truly save a life.

Texas Two-Step CPR Outreach Program

UTHealth-Houston’s Department of Emergency Medicine also Partner’s with the Texas Two Step CPR program to help educate the public in Houston and its surrounding communities on CPR Education.  The program works will soon work alongside TX-CARES program to help specifically target and help alleviate disparities in cardiac arrest care that exist throughout the greater Houston area

Collage of EM Faculty and Residents showing the public CPR.

(left to right) Dr. Bentley Bobrow teaches CPR to community members at Memorial City Mall. Dr. Joshua Fan, resident, teaches CPR to students at the University of Houston main campus. Dr. Salil Bhandari teaches CPR to a group of 2nd graders at Malala Yousafzai Elementary School.

The Children’s Assessment Center

UTHealth Houston’s Department of Emergency Medicine faculty and administrative staff dedicated their time to volunteer at The Children’s Assessment Center in Houston, TX. Their efforts involved cleaning high-traffic areas where children often play and interact, and faculty/staff received a comprehensive tour of the center’s facilities.

Image of EM Faculty and Admin volunteering at Houston CAC.

A truly humbling and eye-opening experience for our EM Faculty & Staff at the CAC

The Children’s Assessment Center (CAC) serves as a safe space for sexually abused children and their families, offering crucial care and treatment to meet their needs.

If you would like to request a training event with one or more of these topics, please fill out this form.