March 22, 2019

No-Cost Oral, Head and Neck Cancer Screenings

UT Physicians otorhinolaryngologists (ENT surgeons) are offering no-cost oral, head and neck cancer screenings at three locations across Greater Houston: UT Physicians Otorhinolaryngology – Texas Medical Center 6400 Fannin St., Suite 2700, Houston, 77030 Thursday, April 11, 2:00 pm-4:00 pm…

March 22, 2019

UTHealth Medical Students and Residents Give Presentations at 2018 International SENTAC Meeting

Medical students and residents in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth presented six posters at the Society for ENT Advances in Children (SENTAC) annual meeting held Nov. 29 – Dec. 2, 2018, in…

February 18, 2019

Balloon Eustachian Tuboplasty for Chronic Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

Two weeks after having balloon eustachian tuboplasty, Robin Goebel was on a flight to South America, where she hiked at high altitudes, visiting Machu Picchu at 7,970 feet and Cusco at 11,152 feet, and took 13 different flights to places…

February 18, 2019

McGovern Society Leaders Give Students a Roadmap Through Medical School

Pediatric otolaryngologist Zi Yang Jiang, MD, is one of 30 McGovern Society leaders who mentor new medical students, helping them develop a sense of responsibility for their own wellness, resilience, and professionalism as they work toward graduation from McGovern Medical…

February 18, 2019

Without Borders: Dr. Amber Luong Joins a Mission to Vietnam

Born in Vietnam, Amber U. Luong, MD, PhD, was 3 in April 1975 when her family left the country the day before the fall of Saigon. Last March, the fellowship-trained physician-scientist sinus surgeon had the opportunity to return to her…

January 17, 2019

First in Houston to Offer a New Treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea

UT Physicians is now offering an alternative therapy for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) when traditional approaches fail. The first six cases in Houston have provided a transformational, life-changing solution for people seeking a restful, healthy night of sleep. The new…

January 17, 2019

Head and Neck Surgical Oncology: How Do We Make the Experience Better for the Patient?

By asking cancer patients what they want, physicians in the Head and Neck Surgical Oncology Program at Memorial Hermann and UTHealth have designed a truly patient-centered experience. “Treatment of head and neck cancer requires so many moving parts, and none…

January 17, 2019

On a Mission: Dr. Yuksel Returns to Nicaragua

Pediatric otolaryngologist Sancak Yuksel, MD joined a team of otolaryngologists, nurses, audiologists, and speech pathologists supported by Oklahoma-based Mayflower Medical Outreach (MMO), and traveled to the mountain towns of Jinotega and Estelí, Nicaragua, to evaluate adult and pediatric patients and perform…

December 10, 2018

When It Isn’t Tonsillitis

Repeated bouts of strep throat and suspected tonsillitis led Shelby Boatwright’s primary care physician to refer her to William C. Yao, MD, an assistant professor in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery in McGovern Medical School at UTHealth. Boatwright’s…

December 10, 2018

UT Physicians Sinus Surgeons Use Augmented Reality Technology During Minimally Invasive Sinus Procedures.

“Augmented reality, which uses 3-D mapping and imagery, enhances our understanding of complex anatomy so surgical procedures are more precise,” said Martin J. Citardi, MD, chair of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery at McGovern Medical School at The…
