Willed Body Program | Whole Body Donation to McGovern Medical School
Thank you for your interest in the Willed Body Program at McGovern Medical School (UTHealth).
Should you choose to donate your body to our program as a medical science body donation, it is important your next of kin are informed and are in agreement with your wishes. We suggest that they serve as witnesses when it is possible. We also suggest that you make copies of the completed Willed Body Program Donor Form (request donor form here) and distribute it to those you wish to be informed, for instance, your physician, minister, attorney, and next of kin. Please return the donation form with the ORIGINAL SIGNATURE to us. After receipt of the signed original forms, you will receive an Emergency Donor Card. Please keep this card in your purse/wallet for identification purposes.
There are a few cases in which registered donors cannot be accepted for donation at the time of death. (See FAQ page for more information.) We cannot accept a donor’s body for The Willed Body Program if the body has been severely injured in an accident, if a highly contagious disease such as hepatitis, jaundice, VD, TB or AIDS, was present at the time of death, if the body is morbidly obese or if the body is too large for storage purposes. We will not accept a body that has had organs removed for transplantation.
At the time of death, and after the death is pronounced, the family or medical staff should call our Donation Pager at (713) 760-2649 for the donor to be picked up and delivered to UTHealth. We can utilize the donation for up to 2 or more years. There is no charge to the family or estate for embalming/transportation of the body from any point within a 100-mile radius of McGovern Medical School. There is no charge to the family or the estate for the donation to the Medical School; there is no charge for the cremation. However, should you request the return of the cremated remains to the family, there is a charge, as this is contrary to our normal method of scattering at sea.
Your desire to donate your body to McGovern Medical School is deeply appreciated. The gift of one’s body is an invaluable contribution to the education of future physicians and ultimately, the advancement of medical science.
Icelynn M. Lackings
Senior Administrator Coordinator, Willed Body Program
Phone: (713)500-5603
Email: [email protected]
Jay Luna
Administrative Coordinator, Willed Body Program
Phone: (713)500-5561
Email: [email protected]