Class of 2024
Amanda Breaux, MD, MPH
Phonetic pronunciation: “Breaux” rhymes with “go”
Undergrad: Louisiana State University
Medical School: Tulane University (MD/MPH)
Fellowship plans: neurophysiology at UTHealth Houston
Amy Durand, MD
Phonetic pronunciation: A-me Dur-and
Undergrad: Texas A&M University
Medical School: UTHealth Houston, McGovern Medical School
Fellowship plans: neuro-ophthalmology
Elli Hoge, MD
Phonetic pronunciation: El-lee Hoagie (like the sandwich, rhymes with bogey the golf term)
Undergrad: Texas Christian University
Medical School: UT Southwestern Medical Center
Fellowship plans: Epilepsy at UTHealth Houston
Shirin Jamal Omidi, MD
Phonetic pronunciation: shi-rin
Medical School: Hamedan University of Medical Sciences
Fellowship plans: Epilepsy at Mayo Clinic, Rochester
Abraham John, MD, MHA
Phonetic pronunciation: A-bra-ham John
Undergrad: Penn State University
Medical School: American University of Antigua (MD/MHA)
Fellowship plans: Vascular Neurology at Thomas Jefferson University
Vivek Mehta, MD
Phonetic pronunciation: vih-vayk
Undergrad: Washington University in St. Louis
Medical School: UTHealth Houston, McGovern Medical School
Fellowship plans: MS/Neuroimmunology at Washington University at St. Louis
Chiemela Onyekere, MD
Undergrad: University of Texas at Arlington
Medical School: University of Kansas
Fellowship plans: Neuro-hospitalist at UTHealth Houston
Ashley Streseman, MD
Phonetic pronunciation: Stress-man
Undergrad: Texas Tech University
Medical School: Texas Tech Health Sciences, Lubbock
Fellowship plans: MS/Neuroimmunology at UTHealth Houston
Walker Wiggins, MD, PhD
Phonetic pronunciation: Wa-Ker
Undergrad: University of Southern Mississippi
Medical School: University of Mississippi Medical Center (MD/PhD)
Fellowship plans: Neurocritical Care at Columbia University