Asha B. Bhalwal, MD, MRCOG, FACOG
Associate Professor Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Service
Co-Program Director Advanced minimally invasive gynecology Fellowship
McGovern Medical School
UTHealth Houston
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (713)500-6385
Educational Philosophy
My educational philosophy is to provide our learners supervised exploration and to maintain a delicate balance of safety and realism. My focus is on fellowship curriculum, developing a surgical evaluation platform, resident and medical student teaching and learning.
My goals are:
- Model inquisitiveness, politeness, analytical thinking and team management in my learners
- Have a constructive approach to teaching and learning
- Provide Learner oriented teaching
- Demonstrate curiosity and passion to motivate students to learn.
- Challenge learners knowledge
- Have a set up for mutual feedback.
My special interest are:
To develop a platform for a video library of complex gynecology surgery to create a resource readily available to our learners and our physicians in the university and the community.
Design process of an educational outreach program for our community doctors.
Past and current Educational Activities:
- Obstetrics & Gynecology Clerkship Lecture Series- 3rd-year medical students on the clerkship / one lecture every 6 weeks
- Obstetrics & Gynecology Weekly Resident Conferences Participant-48 Ob/Gyn residents & medical students
- AMIGS Fellow weekly Journal club
- 34-year-old newly pregnant woman with a breast Mass. Office Gynecology: A case based approach.
- Obstetric emergencies: shoulder dystocia and post partum hemorrhage, Obstetrics and Gynecology: maintenance of knowledge.
- “What it means to BE (come) a Healthy Women” Harmony School of Discovery August 2019.
- Gynecology surgical collaborator Mary and Michael Jaharis Simulation Center, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons New York, NY
- Dean’s Teaching Excellence Award, 2017, 2018, 2019
“, 2020. McGovern Medical School at UTHealth - Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics (APGO) Excellence in Teaching award 2019.
Selected Publications
- Racusin DA, Chen HY, Bhalwal A, Wiley R, Chauhan SP. Chorioamnionitis and adverse outcomes in low-risk pregnancies: a population-based study. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2021 Feb 17:1-9. doi: 10.1080/14767058.2021.1887126. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33596755.
- Fetea A, Soriano-Calderon N, Johnson AA, Bhalwal AB, Nugent EK, Smith JA. Assessment of the quality of family planning counseling interventions in female solid organ transplant patients. Global Journal of Reproductive Medicine, In press, 2020.
- Jaimin S. Shah. MD; Susan Nasab. MD; Ramesha Papanna. MD; Han-Yang Chen, Pamela Promecene. MD; Pamela Berens. MD; Anthony Johnson. MD; Asha Bhalwal. MD. Management and reproductive counseling in cervical, caesarean scar and interstitial ectopic pregnancies over 11 years: identifying the need for a modern management algorithm. Human reproduction open (2019,Sept )
- Bhalwal, Asha B. MD; Nick, Alpa M. MD; dos Reis, Ricardo MD; Chen, Chun-Ling MD; Munsell, Mark F. MS; Ramalingam, Preetha MD; Salcedo, Mila Pontremoli MD; Ramirez, Pedro T. MD; Sood, Anil K. MD; Schmeler, Kathleen M. MD. Carcinoma of the Bartholin Gland: A Review of 33 Cases. International journal of Gynecological cancer. (2016, May Vol 26)
- Bhalwal A, Chari S, Pratt H. Audit of Elective Caesarean Section Before 39wks Gestation and Their Outcome. Morecambe Bay Journal. (2007, May 17).