About Us


The LRC supports the teaching and learning functions of the faculty, staff, and students of McGovern Medical School at UTHealth and provides a well-furnished physical space for the students to study independently or in a group, 24 hours a day, both in the Medical School Building and at the LBJ Hospital. The LRC promotes the utilization of innovative instructional resources and helps students search online medical literature and cultivates in them life-long study strategies.


Student using badge access door to LRC.

Medical students are the primary users of the LRC. Their ID badges are programmed to enter the LRC 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They also have borrowing privileges and use of the group study and physical diagnosis rooms.

All other UTHealth ID badge holders may also utilize the LRC facilities while staff is on duty, typically from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. weekdays and 12 noon to 6 p.m. weekends and ringing the bell at the entrance to come into the LRC.

There are no public entrances into or exits from the Medical School Building through the LRC.

No food is allowed anywhere in the LRC.



  • Student Assistants
    t: 713.500.5145

*To Apply for the Student Assistants position, please submit the online application. Thank you.