Panopto Install Recorder – mac

  1. Click on the Mac installer, the Installer will download to the download bar at the bottom of the browser window or locate uth.tmc.edu_panoptoformac.pkg in your downloads folder.

Panopto Resources page with Mac installer link location highlighted.

  1. Run the installation file. Follow the on-screen prompts. When prompted, enter your password. Click Install Software.

Mac popup window requesting password to allow software installation.

  1. Click Close when you see the installation was successful.

Mac installation successful popup window for Panopto.

  1. The Panopto Manage Recordings window will open. To sign in to the Panopto recorder, click Sign In.

Panopto Recorder home screen with Sign In button highlighted.

  1. On the popup window, click Sign In again. On the next popup click the drop down menu and choose UTHealth Canvas Server then click Sign In. On the next screen click Sign In. When prompted enter your UTHealth credentials.

Mac popup sign in windows for Panopto installation.

Note: If you are asked to grant access for recording the computer screen. In your applications folder open Panopto. Open System Preferences > Security & Privacy. Under the Privacy tab select > Unlocked Screen Recordings > Panopto. Remember to unlock/lock access to allow changes.

Mac privacy screen with settings highlighted for Panopto installation.

For help with installing the Panopto Recorder please contact Educational Technology at: