FAQ – Memorial Hermann – Texas Medical Center Credentialing for Research Personnel Frequently Asked Questions

1.What type of Credentialing do I need?
Your job duties will determine which type of credentialing is most appropriate for you. Memorial Hermann – Texas Medical Center offers “Allied Health Credentialing” and “Research Credentialing” to researchers doing work in our TMC facility. If your job duties include interventional tasks that require patient contact (i.e. phlebotomy, vital signs, EKG performance) you will need to obtain Allied Health Credentialing. If your job duties are non- interventional and do not require patient contact (i.e. accessing medical records, screening and consenting, survey administration) you may obtain Research Credentialing. Please contact CIRI for more information about both credentialing processes.

2.What if I need access to other Memorial Hermann locations?
If your job duties will require any physical access, and potentially, location-specific electronic access, to other Memorial Hermann locations, you will undergo Allied Health Credentialing, which covers the entire Memorial Hermann System. Please see number 9, below.

3.How long does the credentialing process take?
The Research Credentialing process may be completed in two weeks if your packet is complete at the time of interview. The Allied Health Credentialing Process typically takes 3-6 months. To ensure that your credentialing is completed as soon as possible please send all required documents populated completely with accurate information.

4.Can I have medical record access before I am fully credentialed?
You will not be granted access to any database or registry prior to completion of the credentialing process. If you are applying for Allied Health Credentialing you may also complete Research Credentialing to obtain privileges for non-interventional duties, including medical records access.

5.Why do I have to provide proof of education?
The purpose of the credentialing process is for the research professionals at Memorial Hermann CIRI to evaluate your qualifications and background to determine if you have the knowledge necessary to safely and ethically execute your duties on the Memorial Hermann campus. An essential part of that process is confirming your education and licensing.

6.What kind of proof of education is sufficient?
CIRI will accept photocopies of diplomas, official transcripts, unofficial transcripts, or photos of framed diplomas. Copies of licenses or printouts of an online license confirmation will also suffice.

7. I submitted my documents, but I have not received an email regarding my interview. What should I do?
You should receive an interview appointment request from CIRI via email. If you do not receive that email, please refer back to the “MH Research Credentialing Process” instructions and confirm that you submitted items to the correct person. Once that is confirmed, please contact Joann Ivey, CIRI Senior Research Executive Assistant (MH.Research.Credentialing@memorialhermann.org) to inquire about the status of your interview.

8.I submitted my documents and completed my interview, now what?
Please allow CIRI time to complete your credentialing. Your credentialing will not be complete until the Privacy Office, System Executive for Research, and the Chief Medical Officer sign off on your privileges. While the typical credentialing packet is signed in less than a week, CIRI cannot guarantee a specific turnaround time as further documentation, additional information, or revisions to your privileges might be requested in the review process. You will receive an approval letter when the process is complete.

9.I have more questions than are not answered here, who should I contact?
If you are being credentialed to work on a study that is currently under review by Memorial Hermann TMC, please contact the Clinical Research Specialist assigned to the review of the protocol. If you are being credentialed to work on a previously approved protocol, please contact Joann Ivey, CIRI Senior Research Executive Assistant at (MH.Research.Credentialing@memorialhermann.org)

10.How do I initiate the Allied Health Credentialing process?
Please contact the Central Credentialing Office at 713-338-6464 to request an application enterprise.credentialing@memorialhermann.org or to answer any specific questions. Please be sure to mention that you are working as a research staff member.