Latin American Health and Language

Director: Asia Bright, PhD 

Didactic Coordinator: Lawrence “Zo” Ruiz 

Mission: To develop passionate medical students into culturally humble healthcare providers with increased sensitivity for their Spanish-speaking patients. Students will explore specific areas of interest aimed at developing personal Spanish proficiency, community service, and educational resources for Spanish speakers through didactics and a mentored project. Students will gain increased knowledge of Medical Spanish and the intersection of social factors influencing the health of Spanish speakers. 

Maximum number of students/year:  4 

Student selection process: Student applications and essays will be reviewed by the director. Students will be selected based on prior experiences, interest in Medical Spanish, Latin American/Hispanic cultural humility, and availability of faculty mentors to provide clinical opportunities, mentorship, and language integration as they align with the student’s interest. Proficiency in Medical Spanish is not required and may not be used to determine student enrollment into the concentration. 

Timeline for student completion of concentration requirements 

Concentration requirements (didactic and experiential):   

Students will be required to complete a multidisciplinary curriculum to include Medical Spanish semester-long courses, participation and presentation in student interest groups, language assistance for incoming concentration participants and general Medical Spanish class attendees, and a mentored project that furthers scholarship in Latin American health. Students will also be required to shadow faculty members and demonstrate community service in Houston and throughout Texas. 

Recommended Timeline: 

MS1  MS2 
  • Required 
  • Application and acceptance into program, including essays 
  • Identify a mentor and choose scholarly project 
  • Attend 80% of lectures in Medical Spanish 1 (Spring Semester) 
  • Optional 
  • Attend lectures sponsored by the Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA) 
  • Apply for Summer Research Program 
  • Required 
  • Attend 80% of lectures in Medical Spanish 2 (Fall Semester) 
  • Complete 20 hours of clinical shadowing, volunteering, or community outreach within the Spanish-speaking community 
  • Continue planning project with mentor, complete mentorship agreement form 
  • Act as teaching assistant for Medical Spanish 1 (Spring Semester) 
  • Optional 
  • Present at McGovern LMSA meeting 
MS3  MS4 
  • Required 
  • Plan and execute project with mentor 
  • Attend required clerkships with emphasis in Spanish-speaking clinical opportunities such as LBJ hospital 
  • Clerkship preference should be coordinated with clerkship administration for those completing the Scholarly Concentration 
  • Optional 
  • Present at regional LMSA meeting 
  • Required 
  • Complete project and present findings in writing by presenting a professional poster or through a publishable format (due Fall semester) 
  • Compose reflective essay about experiences, identifying a focus on Medical Spanish education, Spanish healthcare resource availability, or clinical experiences (due Spring semester) 
  • Complete evaluation of Scholarly Concentration program and curriculum 
  • Optional 
  • Present at regional LMSA meeting 
  • Present at McGovern Spring Senior Research Day 
  • Mentor MS1 LMSA members 

Students that receive credit for Medical Spanish I or Medical Spanish II before acceptance to the program will have that credit honored for the scholarly concentration requirements. Students accepted in their MS2 year may receive credit for Medical Spanish I concurrently during the Medical Spanish II elective supplemental lecture series. Students accepted outside of recommended timeline may fulfill language requirements through 15 personalized tutoring sessions with didactic coordinator. 

Scholarly Project Guidelines: 

Students will design a project of interest in their first year in the program to be implemented throughout their medical school career. Projects must be completed by the Fall semester of their final year and submitted for publication or presentation before graduation. Students may use the Summer Research Program or research electives to supplement their project. Above all, students are encouraged to pursue projects that demonstrate awareness of issues impacting the Spanish-speaking community. 

Projects are expected to be one of the following: 

  • Basic Sciences and Clinical Research 
  • Projects of this category aim to further medical understanding to create better outcomes for people in the Spanish-speaking community 
  • Demographic Research and Quality Improvement 
  • Projects of this category aim to identify and address social and health disparities that might impact health outcomes for Spanish-speaking patients 
  • Educational Resources 
  • Projects of this category aim to create distributable educational resources to be displayed and provided to Spanish-speaking patients of the UTHealth system 

Academic Standing and Withdrawal from Concentration: 

Concentration participants must maintain good academic standing with McGovern Medical School or will be limited in their participation by the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs. Students withdrawing from the concentration or will be on academic leave for completion of another educational program (PhD/MPH) must notify Director and Administrative Coordinator to maintain accuracy of student rosters. 

Suggested Scholarly Concentration Faculty: 

Faculty Name  Contribution to Concentration  Department 
Gabriel Aisenberg, MD  Mentor  Internal Medicine 
Pedro Balaguera, MD  Mentor  Neurology 
Carlos Carreno, MD  Mentor  Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Ob/Gyn 
Joel Fronterra, MD  Mentor  Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 
Amalia Guardiola, MD  Mentor  Pediatrics 
Nuria Lacuey Lecumberri, MD, PhD  Mentor  Neurology 

Students may select and partner with faculty not listed above as they align with the student’s research interest(s). All faculty members and projects must be submitted to Director/Didactic Coordinator for approval to ensure they align with concentration expectations and scope of scholarship.