MS3 Student Research Elective – SCHO 3030
You MUST submit the online Student Research Elective worksheet and have your mentor approve the worksheet at least 30 days before your elective date. NO EXCEPTIONS.
If your faculty is with MDACC, your faculty MUST get clearance through the MDACC Graduate Medical Education (GME) Office and allow 60 processing days. Once the MDACC GME Office has cleared your entry, you may submit the MMS online worksheet.
Projects focusing on literature reviews and case reports are inappropriate for the research elective module. These activities support research but are not research in isolation and will not be approved.
Contact Yolanda Bell and Mrs. Linh Trinh if you need to change your elective date.
Third-year medical students interested in SCHO 3030 Elective/Student Research Elective should receive a lotto from OASA before applying to the Student Research Elective Worksheet (SREW) Links to an external site.
You are not assured the elective until the Worksheet is approved, multi-step process.
For additional question, refer to this site and expand the “Third Year/Student Research Elective” option to see full instructions or contact [email protected]
• Apply to the elective
o Log in to the Student Research Elective Worksheet (SREW) Links to an external site portal and submit your request
o SREW will ask for details about your mentor and your project.
• Follow SREW approval process
o SREW will automatically send your request to your mentor for review and approval.
o MSRO will review and grant final approval.
• Add SCHO 3030 to myUTH schedule
o SREW will send you an approval notification via email.
o OASA will issue you a class number to use to add the course to your official schedule in myUTH Contact Yolanda Bell
• Confirm your myUTH enrollment in SREW
o Log in to the Student Research Elective Worksheet (SREW) Links to an external site portal and add your class number to confirm that you have added SCHO 3030 in myUTH
o MUST enter the class number to the online worksheet to signal the SREW to automatically create and send the evaluation form to your mentor for completion
• Work with mentor on project as scheduled
• Evaluation of Student by Mentor in SREW
o SREW will automatically create and send an evaluation form to your mentor on the day after your elective ends (ONLY if you have entered your class number)
o Evaluations must be completed within 7 days of the end of the rotation
o Evaluation comments will be sent to OASA for inclusion in the student MSPE.
• Evaluation of Rotation and Mentor in One45
o Students must complete evaluations as assigned in One45 within 7 days of the end of the rotation
• Update MMS Student Research Catalog Links to an external site. as needed
o We’d like to know about any published products from your research activities during medical school (abstracts, posters, articles)
Grading Criteria
• This elective is Pass/Fail
• Students will be evaluated by mentors on achievement of the objectives listed on the SREW worksheet as well as attainment of the expected outcome of the elective.
• A grade will be entered by MSRO only if all evaluations have been completed by both the student and mentor
Contact Us
For Comments or suggestions, please contact us at [email protected]
Summer Research Program
6431 Fannin, JJL 315B
Houston TX 77030
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 713-500-5105
Fax: 713-500-0603
Website update as of 2/24/2025