CITI Training

Research involving human or animal subjects will likely require you to acquire CITI Certification.  This is an online certification program that offers online courses in a variety of responsible conduct in research and research ethics training in many different scholarly areas.  Your research mentor must guide you to the correct courses for the type and level of certification needed for your research project.

All students conducting research must complete at least one or more modules through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI).  Active CITI certification is required for all IRB or IACUC applications and access to Electronic Health Records.  You will do your CITI training as a member of the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston at no personal cost. You must identify with your Research Advisor the appropriate CITI modules to be completed for the type of research in which you will be engaged.

To access the CITI training website use the following link and follow the bulleted step-by-step instructions.

Click here to access the CITI training site

  • Click Register and select “Select Your Organization Affiliation”
  • Type “University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston” as your organization
  • Check “I AGREE to the Terms of Service for accessing CITI Program”
  • Check “I affirm that I am an affiliate of University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston”
  • Click to “Continue to Create your CITI Program Username/Password”
  • Complete the 7 steps to create your CITI registration
    • Information requested for the profile includes “employee ID number.” No actual employee ID number is required; instead, you may use any combination of numbers.
  • Complete ONE of the basic courses in Protection of Human Subjects or
    • When you have completed the training, you may print or save your certificate of completion.  Certificates may be accessed at any time by logging back in to CITI.
    • Students who have already completed CITI training through another institution should log in to CITI and then add another affiliation with University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.  The CITI program will display which modules have already been completed, and which additional CITI modules may be needed for the UT training certificate.
    • Certificates are valid for three years and can be renewed by taking a Refresher course through CITI.