2nd Annual McGovern Medical School Teaching Competition


I am pleased to announce the 2nd Annual McGovern Medical School Teaching Competition that is happening this semester in collaboration between the Academic Medicine Student Organization (AMSO) and the Medical Student Research Office (MSRO). The competition aims to provide students with individualized extracurricular teaching instruction from distinguished faculty members from the Academy of Master Educators and the opportunity to polish their teaching skills in a formal speaking environment.

The application to submit abstracts is now open! Eight finalists will be selected to be paired with a faculty coach and given a month to prepare a five-minute presentation for the competition in December. Awards will be given for first place ($150), second place ($100), and a fan favorite winner ($50). In addition, the first-place winner is taking home the Dr. Gary C. Rosenfeld Award for Excellence in Teaching. All three winners will be invited to lunch with Dr. Mark D. Hormann as a congratulations.

The timeline for the competition is as follows:

August 31st: Applications open for students.
Link to the application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1RuQhjc7xHkmoTzOGILXO9TxeJ5hJpssjNYsHm5QNdUk/edit

September 6th @4pm in MSB 2.006: Informational Session hosted by Dr. Horton of MSRO.
Webex Link: https://uthealth.webex.com/meet/david.v.begelman 

September 29th: Applications Due.

October 23rd: Finalists are selected and matched with faculty.

December 6th from 12 – 1pm: Teaching Competition

Thank you,
David Begelman

Update as of 9/1/2023