Emil Steinberger Award Winners – 2023

The MRSO Awards and Fellowships Committee has made its decisions following a faculty nomination process.  The Committee was comprised of Drs. Lillian Kao, Elizabeth Nugent, Nahid Rianon, and chaired by Dr. Mary Horton, and wishes to award the Dr. Emil Steinberger Award for excellence in research in Reproductive Medicine and was established in honor of Dr. Emil Steinberger, a renowned reproductive endocrinologist and faculty member at McGovern.  Please take a moment to congratulate the following two senior medical students and their mentor:

  1. Hailie Ciomperlik
    Mentored by:  Suneet P. Chauhan, MD, Hon DSc
    Professor and Director, Maternal-Fetal Medicine Division
    Principal Investigator, Eunice Kennedy Shriver NICHD Maternal-Fetal Medicine Units Network
    McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston
    Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences
  2. Justin Mehr
    Mentored by:  Run Wang, MD, FACS
    Professor of Surgery (Urology)
    Cecil M. Crigler, MD Endowed Chair in Urology
    Director of Sexual Medicine Fellowship Program
    McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston and UTMD Anderson Cancer Center
    Department of Urology
    President-Elect, International Society for Sexual Medicine
    Past President, Sexual Medicine Society of North America

As of 3/29/2023