Policy on Demeanor and Dress Standards

Demeanor shall be in all respects consistent with the high standards of trust, confidence, and dignity on which the physician-patient relationship is based. The following guidelines regarding conduct and appearance in all clinical settings are adopted directly  from those of the Memorial-Hermann Healthcare System and apply to our students at all McGovern Medical School clinical facilities.


  • Greet others in hallways, elevators, and at work stations with a kind word or smile.
  • Assist people in finding their way.


  • Respect privacy and dignity.
  • Knock and wait for a response before entering areas.
  • In compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), discuss confidential or sensitive information about patients only with those having a valid need to know and do so privately, never in public places.
  • Be tolerant of cultural differences.


  • Present a positive image.
  • Wear name badge or name tag so that name is clearly visible at all times.
  • Limit eating, drinking, and smoking to designated areas.
  • Avoid personal conversations with co-workers when providing patient care.
  • Make no inappropriate or negative comments about patients, co-workers, or physicians.


  • Lapel pins should not contain words or images that may be considered inappropriate, offensive or political in nature.
  • Hair shall be clean and neat with no styles or colors that would, by a reasonable standard, invite negative feedback. Shoulder length or longer hair shall be pulled back or covered where there is a health or safety consideration.
  • Well-groomed, closely trimmed beards, sideburns and mustaches are allowed, but may not interfere with personal protective gear.
  • Fingernails may not be of a length that potentially interferes with the ability to safely perform the job. In accordance with proper hand hygiene, artificial nails and shellac/gel manicures are prohibited in clinical areas where nails must also not be longer than ¼ inch in length and be free of chipped polish.
  • Extreme or excessive makeup, cologne, jewelry or accessories are not allowed. Visible body piercing is permitted in the ear only, and no more than two earrings per ear may be worn. All other body piercing must be covered.
  • Any visible tattoo that may be considered offensive or contain inappropriate language must be covered.

The following are specifically prohibited at all times: Leggings, athletic wear, hats, sweat suits, tank tops, halter tops, t-shirts, beachwear, shorts, bib overalls, spandex or other form fitting-pants, jeans, exposed undergarments, work-out attire, canvas sneakers, sandal-thongs/flip-flops or slippers, clothing that is distracting, offensive or revealing, clothing that exposes the abdomen, chest or buttocks, clothing that contains sexually-related references, foul language, or that suggests or promotes the use of illegal drugs or violence, clothing or footwear that is soiled, wrinkled, excessively worn or in disrepair, or any other clothing or mode of appearance that is inappropriate for the work environment.