Policy on Student Advancement and Appeals

The medical school ensures that there exists a single set of core standards for the advancement and graduation of all medical students. The primary responsibility for the evaluation and promotion of students rests with the academic departments of the medical school. The faculty has an obligation to the students, to the school, and to society to evaluate students and promote and graduate only those who have demonstrated their suitability for the practice of medicine both in cognitive and noncognitive areas such as clinical ability, interpersonal relations, and personal conduct and professional characteristics. This obligation continues from matriculation to graduation. The evaluation of performance in noncognitive areas is particularly important in the clinical years. A student whose performance in noncognitive areas is deemed by the faculty to be unacceptable, even if grades on tests and other evaluations are satisfactory, will be subject to dismissal.

The medical school has a fair and formal process for taking any action that may affect the status of a medical student, including an opportunity for the medical student to respond, and to appeal any adverse decision related to advancement, graduation, or dismissal.

The faculty of the medical school has the responsibility for identifying students who are in academic difficulty and determining whether the deficiency can be remediated or the student should be dismissed. This responsibility is administered through the Student Evaluations and Promotions Committee (SEPC) as the representative body of the faculty-at-large.


  • Adverse action: An adverse action includes repetition of the year, suspension, and dismissal.
  • Appeal: A request for a formal review of an adverse action.
  • Good Standing: A student who has successfully completed all academic coursework to date with a grade of Pass or higher or who has successfully remediated/ repeated coursework is considered to be in good standing.
  • Student Evaluations and Promotions Committee (SEPC): The faculty of the medical school has the responsibility for identifying students who are in academic difficulty and determining whether the deficiency can be remediated or the student should be dismissed. This responsibility is administered through the SEPC as the representative body of the faculty-at-large. The SEPC is comprised of faculty members appointed by the dean based upon recommendations by the Committee on Committees and includes non-voting but appropriate administrative support. Clerkship directors, module directors, and discipline directors are not eligible to be on the SEPC. Grades and other information relevant to a student’s academic performance are transmitted to the SEPC, which reviews the cumulative record of the student and, based upon an overall consideration of the student’s grades, demonstrated knowledge, clinical performance, and suitability to practice medicine, decides whether a student should be promoted, continued with remedial work assigned, continued with repetition of a course or academic year, or dismissed. Any student whose record indicates that he/she is not qualified to continue the study of medicine will be dismissed. The SEPC may dismiss a student after a review of their complete record if the student’s performance in noncognitive areas such as clinical ability, interpersonal relations, and personal and professional characteristics makes them unsuitable for the practice of medicine. The SEPC shall also determine when it is appropriate for a student who has been required to do remedial work to progress to the next level. The SEPC utilizes the guidelines that are included below in determining recommended adverse actions.
  • Unacceptable academic performance occurs when a student has a non-passing Performance (Below Pass or Fail grade). The student who earns a Below Pass or Fail grade must remediate or repeat the course. The course director outlines required additional work which is reviewed by the SEPC and which is designed for the student to demonstrate competency. Upon completion, students will be re-evaluated and given another grade; both grades will remain on the transcript. The highest grade that can be earned upon remediation is a grade of Pass. If the grade on re-evaluation is not at least a Pass grade, a Fail grade will be recorded, and the action appropriate to the Fail grade, as specified in the guidelines, will be taken. Below Pass and Fail grades will remain on the transcript; the grade earned on remediation or repetition of the course will also be listed. The Incomplete will also remain on a student’s transcript even after completion of the course and receipt of a final grade. Both the Incomplete and the final grade will appear on the transcript.

Students with Unsuccessful Academic Performance

Students with unsuccessful academic performance are given timely written notification of the pending possible adverse action and notified of the opportunity to meet with and respond to the (SEPC). The notice will contain sufficient details regarding the specific unsuccessful academic performance at issue.

Prior to the SEPC meeting, the student will be invited to meet with a designee from the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs (OASA) to discuss the process and the guidelines for the promotion of students, which includes the recommended sanctions for unacceptable academic performance.

The student may opt to complete the recommended sanctions in lieu of meeting with the committee, or the student may submit a written statement detailing any mitigating circumstances that the student contends may have affected their performance. In addition to the written statement, the student may elect to appear in person before the SEPC. The student may be accompanied by an advocate of their choice. The advocate may attend the meeting but may not actively participate or address the SEPC. The student must provide advance written notice of the advocate’s name, address, and telephone number (and, in the case of an attorney, a Texas State Bar license number) to the chair of the SEPC at least two (2) business days before the meeting. If the student’s advisor is an attorney, the SEPC shall also request the attendance of a university attorney.

The student will be notified of the meeting date at least five (5) business days before the meeting.

The SEPC will review the cumulative record of the student, all relevant information, and, if applicable, the student’s written statement and response. After deliberation, the SEPC, by a majority vote, will determine whether to enact the sanctions recommended by the guidelines or whether to set aside the action recommended by the guidelines. After the SEPC reaches a decision, the student will be sent a written notice of the decision within three (3) business days.

If the student is dissatisfied with the decision of the SEPC, they can submit an appeal to the dean or designee within fourteen (14) business days of receipt of the SEPC decision.  The decision of the dean or designee is final.  After the dean reaches a decision, the student will be sent a written notice of the decision within fourteen (14) business days.

The SEPC will review the comprehensive performance of the student and will consider the application of the following guidelines:

  1. Grades and other information relative to a student’s academic performance are transmitted to the SEPC, which reviews the cumulative record of the student and, based upon an overall consideration of the student’s grades, demonstrated knowledge, clinical performance and suitability to practice medicine, decides whether a student should be promoted, continued with remedial work assigned, or dismissed. Any student whose record indicates that he/she is not qualified to continue the study of medicine will be dismissed.
  2. Any student who accumulates a total of four Fail grades or six non-passing grades during the course of his/her medical education (regardless of whether remediated) fulfills the criteria for dismissal.
  3. Any student who fails the same course twice meets the criteria for dismissal.
  4. Any student who receives a failing grade in a course because of his/her performance in the treatment and care of patients may be dismissed.
  5. Students must be eligible to begin their core clerkships no more than three years after matriculation.
  6. Students must graduate within no more than six years after matriculation, with the exception of MD/PhD students.
  7. Additionally, students are not permitted to be dual-enrolled with another institution other than formal McGovern Medical School dual degree programs.
  8. A student who engages in conduct that calls into question his/her suitability to practice or study medicine or whose performance is otherwise unsatisfactory is subject to assessment and action by the SEPC, up to and including dismissal, whether such conduct or performance takes place in the context of the Medical School program or any other educational program of the UTHSC-H.
  9. Students must successfully complete all first-year coursework before proceeding to the second year.
  10. Students must successfully complete all second-year preclinical coursework before proceeding to the core clerkships.
  11. Core clerkship work will be completed before students begin the Career Focus Tracks.

First Semester Performance in Foundations of Clinical Medicine and Doctoring I:

Students who Fail either Foundations of Clinical Medicine or Doctoring I will not be allowed to proceed to the spring semester and will be required to repeat the first year. Students who fail both courses during the first semester meet the criteria for dismissal.

Guidelines for the Application of Sanctions for Unacceptable First Semester Performance for First-Time Entering Students

Action Foundations of Clinical Medicine Doctoring I
Repeat Year Pass Fail
Fail Pass
Dismiss Fail Fail


Guidelines for the Application of Sanctions for Unacceptable Second Semester Performance for First-Time Entering Students

Action Fail Below Pass
Remediate in summer 0 2
Remediate Failed and BP course in summer 1 0-1
Repeat Year 0 3
1 2
2 0
Dismiss 1 ≥ 3
2 ≥ 1
> 2 ≥ 0


Guidelines for the Application of Sanctions for Unacceptable First-Year Performance for Students Required to Repeat the First-Year

Students who earn Fail or Below Pass grades will fall into one or more of these categories:

  1. Remedial Work: The student who earns a Below Pass grade must remediate the course. The course director outlines required additional work, which is reviewed by the SEPC and is required for the student to demonstrate competency.   Upon completion of appropriate remediation, students will be re-evaluated and given another grade; both grades will remain on the transcript. The highest grade that can be earned upon remediation is a grade of Pass. If the grade on re-evaluation is not at least a Pass grade, a Fail grade will be recorded, and the action appropriate to the Fail grade, as specified in the guidelines, will be taken.
  2. Failed Course: The student who earns a Fail grade must remediate the course. The highest grade that can be earned upon remediation is a grade of Pass. Students who do not achieve a Pass upon remediation will receive a second Fail grade in the course and will meet the criteria for dismissal.
  3. Repeat Year: Repetition of the year is not an option; students in this category have met the criteria for dismissal.
  4. Dismissal: Students in this category have met the criteria for dismissal.
Action Fail Below Pass
Remediate 0 1-2
Repeat Failed course or Remediate Failed course 1 1
Dismiss 0-1 ≥ 2
≥ 2 ≥ 0


Guidelines for the Application of Sanctions for Unacceptable Pre-Clerkship Second-Year Performance for Students Not Required to Repeat the First Year

Students who earn Fail or Below Pass grades will fall into one or more of these categories:

  1. Non-passing Performances (Below Pass or Fail grades): The student who earns a Below Pass or Fail grade must remediate the course. The course director outlines required additional work, which is reviewed by the SEPC and is required for the student to demonstrate competency. The course director outlines the required additional work required for the student to demonstrate competency. Upon completion of appropriate remediation, students will be re-evaluated and given another grade; both grades will remain on the transcript. The highest grade that can be earned upon remediation is a grade of Pass. If the grade on re-evaluation is not at least a Pass grade, a Fail grade will be recorded, and the action appropriate to the Fail grade, as specified in the guidelines, will be taken. Remedial work may delay the student from enrolling in some or all of the courses of the third-year curriculum.
  2. Repeat Year: Students in this category must repeat the year in its entirety.
  3. Dismissal: Students in this category have met the criteria for dismissal.
Action Fail Below Pass
Remediate 0 1-2
Repeat Failed course / Remediate Below Pass course 1 0-1
Repeat Year 0 3
1 2
2 0
Dismiss 1 ≥ 3
2 ≥ 1
> 2 ≥ 0


Guidelines for the Application of Sanctions for Unacceptable Pre-Clerkship Second-Year Performance for Students Required to Repeat the First Year or are Repeating the Second Year

Students who earn Fail or Below Pass grades will fall into one or more of these categories:

  1. Remedial Work: The student who earns a Below Pass grade must remediate. The course director outlines required additional work, which is reviewed by the SEPC and is required for the student to demonstrate competency. Upon completion of appropriate remediation, students will be re-evaluated and given another grade; both grades will remain on the transcript. The highest grade that can be earned upon remediation is a grade of Pass. If the grade on re-evaluation is not at least a Pass grade, a Fail grade will be recorded, and the action appropriate to the Fail grade, as specified in the guidelines, will be taken. Uncompleted remedial work may delay the student from enrolling in the core clerkships.
  2. Failed Course: The student who earns a Fail grade must remediate. The highest grade that can be earned upon remediation is a grade of Pass. Students who do not achieve a Pass upon remediation will receive a second Fail grade in the course AND will meet the criteria for dismissal.
  3. Repeat Year: Repetition of the year is not an option; students in this category will have met the criteria for dismissal.
  4. Dismissal: Students in this category have met the criteria for dismissal.
Action Fail Below Pass
Remediate 0 1-2
Repeat Failed course / Remediate Below Passed course 1 1
Dismiss 0 ≥ 3
1 ≥ 2
≥ 2 ≥ 0


Guidelines for the Application of Sanctions for Unacceptable Student Core Clerkship Performance

Students who earn Fail or Below Pass grades will fall into one or more of these categories:

  1. Remedial Work: Four weeks of remedial work will be required for each course in which a Below Pass grade was achieved, with the exception of Family Medicine and Neurology, for which two weeks of remedial work will be required. The remedial work will be prescribed by the course director and approved by the SEPC. Remedial work for Below Pass grades cannot be used to fulfill elective requirements. If the grade on re-evaluation is not at least a Pass grade, a Fail grade will be recorded, and the action appropriate to the Fail grade, as specified in the policies handbook, will be taken.*
  2. Repeat Course: A Student who receives a grade of Fail must repeat the clerkship in its entirety. Repetition of courses cannot be used to fulfill elective requirements and must be taken when the student is not enrolled in any other academic work for credit.* Repeated courses must be completed with a grade no lower than Pass. A grade lower than Pass will be recorded as Fail and will result in dismissal.
  3. Remedial Work/Repeat Course: Repetition of a Failed clerkship and remedial work for a Below Pass may prevent students from graduating on schedule.*
  4. Repeat Year: Repetition of the year is not an option; students in this category will have met the criteria for dismissal.
  5. Dismissal: Students in this category have met the criteria for dismissal.

* Students may not be enrolled in two clerkships simultaneously in the medical school curriculum.

Action Fail Below Pass
Remediate 0 1-2
Repeat Failed course or Remediate Below Pass course 1 1
Dismiss 0 ≥ 3
1 ≥ 2
2 ≥ 0


Guidelines for the Application of Sanctions for Unacceptable Student Performance in the Career Focus Track

Students who earn Fail or Below Pass grades during the Career Focus Track will be required to meet with the SEPC, which may recommend the following or another action after review of the student’s complete record:

  1. Remedial Work: Four weeks of remedial work will be required for each four-week course in which a Below Pass grade was achieved. Two weeks of remedial work will be required for each two-week course in which a Below Pass grade was achieved. The remedial work will be prescribed by the course director and approved by the SEPC. Remedial work for Below Pass grades cannot be used to fulfill fourth-year elective requirements. If the grade on re-evaluation is not at least a Pass grade, a Fail grade will be recorded, and the action appropriate to the Fail grade, as specified in the guidelines, will be taken.*
  2. Repeat Course: A student who receives a grade of Fail will repeat the course in its entirety. Repetition of rotations cannot be used to fulfill elective requirements. Repeated rotations must be completed with a grade no lower than Pass. A grade lower than Pass will be recorded as Fail and will result in dismissal. Repetition of rotations may prevent the student from graduating on schedule.*
  3. Remedial Work/Repeat Course: Students who are required to repeat and/or remediate rotations must do so during their vacation period to be able to graduate on schedule.*
  4. Repeat Year: Repetition of the year is not an option; students in this category will have met the criteria for dismissal.
  5. Dismissal: Students in this category have met the criteria for dismissal.

* Students may not be enrolled in two rotations simultaneously in the fourth year of the medical school curriculum

Action Fail Below Pass
Remediate 0 1-2
Repeat Failed course or Remediate Below Pass course 1 1
Dismiss 0 ≥ 3
1 ≥ 2
2 ≥ 0

* It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the school and UTHealth have viable contact information at all times. Students are required annually to update their contact information, including emergency contact, mailing address and phone numbers, on MyUTH. This ensures that they can be reached throughout the year. Failure to do so will not extend the time limitations stated above.