Richard Grimes, PhD
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 713-500-6873
Department Bio
I taught Public Health administration to over 2000 students UT Health School of Public Health from 1972 to 2007. I also taught the first class on HIV /AIDs in the Health Science Center from 1988-2007. I have also built my career around mentoring of students and junior faculty. I have published over 100 papers and book chapters with over 80 former students and mentees. My former students have held academic appoints at Baylor University, University of Houston, Trinity University, The University of Texas-Austin, UT – Houston, Texas Tech, The UT Medical Branch, UT Dental Branch, Texas Women’s University, Texas State University, North Texas State, Texas Southern, Oregon State, LSU, Wichita State, Prairie View, Texas A and M, Baylor Med School, North Texas State, UTHSC-San Antonio, UT Health School of Public Health – San Antonio, Penn State, San Diego State, Emory, Medical College of Georgia, MD Anderson, Virginia Commonwealth, and the Universities of Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Missouri, Georgia, Indiana, Puerto Rico, Jerusalem, Jordan and the West Indies. Eight have served as department chairs and six have become deans or assistant deans. Another became a vice-president at a health science center; another was a vice-chancellor for academic affairs. Six have been voted by students as an outstanding teacher. I recognize these accomplishments have been due to my former students’ efforts but I have enough conceit to think that I influenced their careers.
Between when I joined the medical school faculty in 2007 and 2014, I have published 33 articles with 39 assistant professors, medical students, residents and fellows as co-authors. I have also co-authored 22 abstracts with 26 junior faculty, residents and students that were accepted at international meetings. These co-authors have been from UT Health’s Schools of Medicine, Nursing and Public Health as well as Baylor College of Medicine, Chiang Mai University (Thailand) and the University of Ghana. I have assisted ten junior faculty in preparing grant applications and five of these have been funded. These have included junior researchers from UT Medical School, UT School of Public Health, UT Nursing School as well as Baylor College of Medicine, Rice University, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Chiang Mai University (Thailand) and the University of Ghana.