
turning-point-clickerTurningPoint from Turning Technologies is an audience response system that allows lecturers to receive immediate feedback, using a simple combination of PowerPoint slides and remote control-style devices called “clickers”.  The quiz and polling data collected in the lecture hall is automatically captured and displayed using the TurningPoint system, a process which provides lecturers with immediate feedback. The TurningPoint platform is adaptable to virtually any lecture-style learning environment where a computer and projection system is present.



  • The installers are shared through Google Drive. Depending on which browser you are using, you may get a “No Preview Available” message, you should proceed with the Download > Download Anyway option: 

Training and Support

To reserve clickers please email: Alicia Howard alicia.howard@uth.tmc.edu

For other training or support please email: Litao Wang M.Ed. litao.wang@uth.tmc.edu