Molecular and Translational Medicine

 Director: Shane R. Cunha PhD     (

 Mission: To provide rigorous research and didactic training in the basic, preclinical, and translational sciences of human diseases so that students develop the ability to translate basic and clinical discoveries into better public health and clinical care.

 Maximum Number of Students/year: 20

Student selection process:

 During their first year, students will submit an application, through the Scholarly Concentration website. Thereafter, application will be reviewed, applicants interviewed, and   letter of acceptance   issued by the program directors. The program directors will be responsible for assisting the student identify a mentor (if needed), monitoring the student’s progress, and designing an individual core curriculum for the student.

Only students in good academic standing will be admitted.

Timeline (year by year) for student completion of concentration requirements:

 Year 1

 Apply to the program

  • Identify a mentor
  • Enrollment in a Summer Research Program between years 1 and 2 (for at least 8 weeks, 40 hours a week).
  • Attend lab meetings, seminars, and/or journal clubs as required by the mentor
  • Attend summer research program lecture series run by the

Year 2 

  • Continue with research
  • Continue with individual curriculum of study.
  • Attend lab meetings, seminars, and/or journal clubs, as required by mentor and research focus.
  • Meet with mentor at least twice

Year 3

 Continue with individual curriculum of

  • Meet with mentor at least twice
  • Attend lab meetings, seminars, and/or journal clubs as required by mentor.

Optional: Enroll in the Scholarly Concentration Third Year Elective (SCHO 3030).

Year 4

 Senior research elective in area of

  • Submit a final written version of the research project to the mentor and program directors.
  • Attend lab meetings, seminars, and/or journal clubs as required by the mentor.
  • Present final project at an appropriate venue (Grand Rounds, Research Seminar, regional/national conference, etc).

Suggested Didactic Courses.

(The specific courses for each student will be determined by the interests of the student and the advice of individual advisory committees).

Introduction to Clinical Research**

Introduction to Translational Research**

** These classes and several others are offered by the Center for Clinical Research & Evidence-Based Medicine at the Medical School under the direction of Dr J. Tyson

Below is a list of Faculty who have previously participated in the Scholarly Concentration Program or have indicated a desire to work with medical students interested in research.  The listing is not exclusive. Students may find other acceptable faculty through student societies, seminars, or institutional websites. Please approach potential mentors from our institution and if help is needed, reach out to the MSRO staff or the director(s) for assistance.

Potential mentors need to be approved by the Concentration director.

Scholarly Concentration Faculty Mentor


Faculty Name Contribution to Concentration Department
Cunha, Shane, PhD Director, project mentor Integrative Biology and Pharmacology
Melvin Klegerman Project Mentor Internal Medicine
Shervin Assassi Project Mentor Internal Medicine
Catherine G Ambrose Project Mentor
Amy Heimberger Project Mentor
Yanna Cao, Tien Ko Project Mentor Surgery
Michael Curran: Ai, Midan Project Mentor MDACC
Jennifer M. Bailey Project Mentor
Laura J Moore Project Mentor
Derek L West Project Mentor
Charles E Wade Project Mentor
Bryan A Cotton Project Mentor
Nicholas John Justice Project Mentor
Dianna M. Milewicz Project Mentor Internal Medicine
Anil Sood Project Mentor MDACC