Summer Research Program

Available research projects for 2022 summer! 

If you are a McGovern Medical School at UTHealth first-year medical student, you can gain hands-on laboratory experience under the supervision of a faculty sponsor during the summer between your first and second year of medical school. As part of our program, you will receive special training in laboratory and radiation safety, laboratory animal methodology, research technology, and biomedical ethics. Also, as part of the program you will attend weekly seminars by guest speakers focusing on cutting-edge research and career development.  As a summer research program student you will be guided by your faculty mentor on a research project over a 10-week period.  Students are expected to work 40 hours per week on their research in their selected faculty mentor’s laboratory. At the conclusion of the program you will submit an abstract of your research. Your mentor will also help you develop a poster that must be presented at the annual Research Forum held in the fall.

McGovern Medical School Student On-line Application period is February 1 – March 18, 2022. Supporting documents must be received by 11:59pm CST, March 18th.

MS1 Online Application

Application – Instructions
Program Overview
Faculty Mentor
Judges Evaluation – MS1 Research Proposal


There are potentially two sources of funding for the Summer Research Program.  Limited financial support is provided by the Dean’s Office of Educational Programs matching funds.  All students should apply to the Program to receive support.  Students who do not receive funding are encouraged to negotiate a stipend with their faculty mentor.  Students are also permitted to work as laboratory volunteers while still receiving full credit for the program.

***NEW Funding Information for 2022***

McGovern Medical School students may apply for external fellowships, awards or scholarships to fund their summer research activities.  Typically funded by professional societies, these awards are for students seriously considering research in specific specialty areas. A few tips to consider when applying for an externally funded award:

  • Start planning in the early Fall.  Most application deadlines are in January or February.
  • Establish a mentor who is willing to work with you on the project.  Most proposals require a description of a research project, if so you will need a mentor who can guide and advise.
  • Apply early.  These are competitive national awards; early applications will assure full review and allow time to apply for SRP funds should the fellowship not be received.
  • Be aware and prepared.  Individual Fellowships may include additional requirements, including travel and presentations at annual meetings related to the specialty or society
  • Communicate with the SRP Program Coordinator about the application and its outcome so that all are informed and SRP funding advisement can be given in a timely way.

Finding a Faculty Mentor

Students are encouraged to identify a faculty mentor early in their MS-1 spring semester. Review of past abstracts is recommended as well as speaking with students who participated in the program in the past. The SRP website contains a list of departments and faculty previous mentors who have agreed to serve as student research mentors.  This list does not represent a compilation of all faculty who are interested in accepting students. Students are free to identify any McGovern Medical School faculty member for collaboration. If you need help finding a faculty mentor, attend the virtual Summer Research “Job Fair” in January. Departments/faculty will be available to talk with you about their research projects.  Students are welcome to reach out to

Program Opportunities

All students will have the opportunity for the following:

  • Participation in the C. Frank Webber Prizes for Student Research Competition at the Summer Research Program Research Forum.
  • Student abstracts will be published on the Summer Research Program website.
  • Upon successful completion of the program, a letter will be sent to the student’s blue book.

Program Requirements

  • Mandatory attendance at orientation.
  • Attendance at weekly seminar-series lectures (written assignment required for missed lectures – no more than ONE absence allowed).
  • Completion of 10-week program (encompasses 40-hour work week; no vacation is to be scheduled during the program with exception of Memorial holiday and July 4th holiday).
  • Mandatory completion of lecturer and program evaluations (Incomplete evaluation – no letter in the blue book upon graduation).
  • Abstract submission (end of September).
  • Mandatory attendance at closing program (last morning of program).
  • Mandatory poster at Research Forum (late October early November).

Contact Us

Program Manager: Mrs. Linh Trinh
Summer Research Program
6431 Fannin, JJL 315B
Houston TX 77030
Telephone: 713.500.5105
Fax: 713.500.0603
Website updated as of 2/1/2022