Factor XI deficiency

Gulf States Hemophilia Center iconFactor XI deficiency is a rare genetic bleeding disorder caused by reduced levels and insufficient activity of a blood protein called factor XI. Factor XI is a clotting factor. Clotting factors are specialized proteins that are essential for proper clotting, the process by which blood solidifies like glue to plug the site of a wound to stop bleeding. Individuals with factor XI deficiency do not bleed faster or more profusely than healthy individuals, but, because their blood clots poorly, they may have difficulty stopping the flow of blood from a deep or surgical wound. This may be referred to as prolonged bleeding or a prolonged bleeding episode. The severity of symptoms in factor XI deficiency can vary from one person to another and is not clearly related to the blood factor XI level. In most patients, prolonged bleeding episodes only occur after surgery, dental procedures or trauma. Bleeding tendencies in factor XI deficiency are unpredictable and inconsistent, making the disorder difficult to manage in some cases. Factor XI deficiency is caused by disruptions or changes (mutations) to the F11 gene and can occur in males and females. Hemophilia Treatment Centers, like GSHTC, specialize in factor XI deficiency to provide individualized treatment, monitoring, and follow up.