Qualitative Platelet Disorder

Gulf States Hemophilia Center iconQualitative Platelet Disorder (QPD) is a disorder effecting the structure or function of platelets. Patients with this disorder will have an adequate number of platelets but poor “quality” of clotting. The primary function of platelets are adhesion, aggregation, activation and secretion and a defect in any one of these functions will result in an increased tendency to bleed. Common causes of QPD include a missing or defective protein on the surface of the platelet membrane or a deficiency or abnormality in the platelet granules or their contents (also known as a ‘storage pool disorder’).

Symptoms of a QPD are easy bruising, nosebleeds, bleeding of the mouth or gums, heavy menstrual bleeding, postpartum (after childbirth) bleeding, bleeding following dental work, and bleeding with invasive surgical procedures.

GSHTC offers a high level of coordinated care for patients with QPD. There are many way to treat symptoms of QPD that is dependent on the underlying problem. We have clinicians who are experts in treating QPD and providing support to patients.