SCoPE: Student Committee on Professionalism and Ethics
What is SCoPE?
SCoPE is the Student Committee on Professionalism and Ethics. The committee is comprised of six students from each class MS 2-4, whose purpose is to promote a culture of professionalism and ethics at McGovern Medical School. Follow us on Instagram to learn more about our efforts and our members
Mission of SCoPE
To promote the learning of the practice of medicine beyond medical knowledge to embrace the foundational ideals of physician professionalism and integrity, and to encourage respect and compassion for our future patients, colleagues, and ourselves.
What Does SCoPE Do?
SCoPE has three main objectives:
- Weigh in on misconduct cases in the realm of professionalism and ethics.
- Act as confidential sounding board for students on issues of ethics and professionalism
- Develop student-led initiatives to promote professional identity development
SCoPE also developed a school-wide definition on professionalism to serve as a common framework for teaching and practicing professionalism at all levels of medical education.
Concerns and Suggestions
Submit your concerns and/or suggestions by completing and submitting our Concerns and Suggestions Form.
Apply to be a Member of SCoPE
In order to be eligible, you must be a second-year student in good academic standing.
What are our Current Initiatives?
Initiatives to promote professional identity development include:
- National guest lecturers on medical professionalism
- Excellence in Ethics and Professionalism Award
- Class presentations on ethics and professionalism
- Research on student professionalism and medical school culture
Professionalism is not defined by an individual, but rather by the shared values of the sum of all students, physicians, faculty, and staff of the McGovern community. For this reason, all members of McGovern were invited to reflect on their unique role in our institutional environment and share the principles that inform their professional behaviors. Their responses guided the development of our definition of professionalism as a commitment to act ethically and in accordance with the following values. While no single definition can encompass the many voices of our institution, we hope to create a common language of professionalism to which we all aspire.
We are McGovern and these are the values that we embody:
Respect is the foundation of our community. We embrace the diversity and honor the dignity of everyone within and beyond the McGovern community.
We are truthful in all interactions. We follow through on our responsibilities and take pride in our work as well as our presentation, dependability, and punctuality. We are honest about our limitations, and hold ourselves accountable for our actions.
We act with compassion. We seek to go beyond the duties of our role to serve and make a positive impact on others. We recognize that all who walk through our doors equally deserve our care, regardless of circumstance.
We are a community built on teamwork. We communicate clearly and effectively, offering and asking for help when needed. We value the contribution of each member and rely on each other to accomplish shared goals, expanding the reach of what is possible.
We are committed to excellence in our roles and to continual improvement in our knowledge and personal character. We work daily to refine our skills and reflect on our experiences to become better versions of ourselves.
Recognize a Student
Nominate a fellow student who represents the essence of professionalism and ethics that you feel should be embodied at McGovern Medical school for the Excellence in Ethics and Professionalism Award. Please note the Excellence in Ethics and Professional Award nomination process occurs once each semester. Meet last semester’s winners
Report Mistreatment
Have you experienced or witnessed student mistreatment? As outlined in the policy on Appropriate Student Treatment, reports of abuse or mistreatment may be made to the Associate Dean for Admissions and Student Affairs, directly through the MMS Student Mistreatment Hotline (1-833-717-0809 for English or 1-800-216-1288 for Spanish), to the UTHealth Human Resources Department, or to the UTHealth Compliance Hotline (1-888-472-9868). Both Hotlines permit anonymous reports and complaints.
Both the MMS Student Mistreatment Hotline and the Compliance Report website allow for anonymous reporting of concerns. Click here to learn more about anonymous reporting and the definition of mistreatment.
Anonymously Report Student Mistreatment
What happens once you submit a report?
Professionalism Commendation or Concern Portal
Not sure if you experienced or witnessed mistreatment but feel like someone should be aware? Would you like to recognize a student for outstanding professionalism?
Submit a Professionalism Commendation or Concern Form
What happens once you submit a report?
Class of 2024
Nate Disser | Zoe Hirschi Chairperson |
Elizabeth Oliver |
Jerry Roland | Darius “Sina” Tartibi |
Class of 2025
Megan Goyal | Madeline Guy | Claire Lancaster |
Karla Madrigal | Gavin Roland | Madison Schulz Vice Chairperson |
Class of 2026
Shrey Derasari | Madison Brenner | Joshua Haag |
Hailie Hamilton | Annie Hohlt Secretary |
Amanda Koong |