Jack and Jill Teen Outreach Program

March 9, 2023

On Saturday February 11, 2023, the department hosted a teen outreach program promoting medical education.

We want to give a special thanks to Orlanda Smith, and Drs. Sabina Khan, D’Andrea Ceasar, and Nneka Madu for putting on a great program.

Here’s what some of our faculty and residents had to say about the program:

Dr. Onyi Onuoha – “While at Jack & Jill, it was surreal but refreshing to be reminded of the “versions of me” when I was younger – full of zest, life, enthusiasm, innocence, the fascination in their eyes with our illustrations, the furrowed eyebrows that preceded questions of interest, the confidence that shone through when they knew they could someday be able to do the same, the echos of laughter that could be heard from just having a good time…

…Immersing myself in this experience was rewarding and I must say, an accomplishment in itself!”


Dr. Kendra Brown – “It brings me such joy to give back to the community, inspire young bright minds, and encourage them that they too can be a physician. “


Dr. Meera Gangadharan – “It was a truly rewarding experience. The children had so many questions. It was wonderful to be able to speak with them & teach them & learn from them. They learned the basics about how lay people could save lives and they were very happy & excited about it. ”


Dr. Medea Mshvildadze – I really enjoyed the time we spent with kids. Truly rewarding experience seeing the kids with bright inquisitive eyes trying to grasp and learn what we had to show and teach them.


Dr. Ken Benson – “It was an honor to introduce anesthesia and anesthetic techniques to eager and enthusiastic young minds. Those kids have bright futures!”


Dr. Chad Zhao – “Volunteering to help the kids at the Jack and Jill Teen program was a great experience! It was wonderful to see their excitement towards learning life-saving techniques!”


Dr. Asal Naderi – “What a rewarding experience! Truly a privilege to be a part of educating our future generations.”