2023-2024 Department Promotions

August 29, 2024

On behalf of The Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care, and Pain Medicine Promotions Committee, we are delighted to announce the promotion of the following eight clinical faculty members and the award of tenure to one research member. We are thrilled that of the nine faculty who were proposed for promotion, all were approved for 2023-2024 by the University of Texas McGovern Faculty Academic Promotions and Tenure Committee.

We extend a special thank you to Dr. Maya Suresh for her expertise, insight, and experience in overseeing our Department’s Promotions process over the past five years, Dr. Marie-Francoise Doursout for her expert guidance, incredible contributions, and past service on the Faculty Appointment Promotion and Tenure Committee (FAPTC), as well as Dr. Lara Ferrario for her current service on McGovern Medical School’s FAPTC.  Thank you too to Kathy Franz who coordinates and finalizes the promotion documents, prior to submission to the FAPTC.

On behalf of Dr. Eltzschig, Dr. Cynthia Ju, Dr. Marie-Francoise Doursout, and Dr. Maya Suresh, we are incredibly proud of your efforts and achievements and offer our heartfelt congratulations to the following members on their well-deserved promotion and prestigious Tenure Status:

2023-2024 promoted faculty

WEI CAO, PhD Professor (Tenured)

SRIKANTH SRIDHAR, MD, CMQ, FASA Professor (Non-Tenured)

YAFEN LIANG MD Professor (Non-Tenured)

LAUREN BROLLIER MD Associate Professor (Non- Tenured)

MICHELLE GE, MD Associate Professor (Non – Tenured)

ANA-LISA RAMIREZ CHAPMAN MD Associate Professor (Non -Tenured)

SABINA KHAN MD Associate Professor (Non – Tenured)

STACY NORRELL MD Associate Professor (Non – Tenured)

REBECCA SCHOLL MD Associate Professor (Non – Tenured)

Thank you all for your hard work and many contributions on behalf of the Department!

We are very proud of each of you and wish you all the best in your future endeavors!