Prospective Applicants

Welcome to the Child & Adolescent Neurology Residency Program and congratulations on your decision to become a Pediatric Neurologist! As you know, this time of the year is extremely busy for us as we review numerous applications. We invite you to review the follow sites for any and all information that you may be seeking. Please Note: Information is not accepted or reviewed outside of the ERAS system. To view our profile, visit AMA at:

We hope our this information will answer all of your questions about our residency program, but please feel free to contact us if you need additional information, and we will be more than happy to assist.

It is our goal that you fully understand our program and purpose before you interview so that you may make the most informed decision when interviewing with Child Neurology programs.

Read more about the application process.

Please feel free to email our program coordinator:

Angela Appelwhite, MHS

Senior Program Coordinator

Telephone: 713-500-5618