Image-Guided Joint Pain Management Procedures

Answer: Thank you for contacting the UT Physicians Ask the Imaging Expert Bone and Joint Imaging forum. “Intra articular injection”, meaning an injection of pain relieving medicine into a joint, is something performed regularly at the Memorial Hermann Hospital, and also at LBJ hospital, by our UT physicians. An x-ray of the joints is usually done first. Occasionally, and ultrasound or MRI imaging procedure is also needed to find out exactly where, how much and what kind of damage there is in the joint. If the doctors determine that intra articular injections would benefit you, it can often be done in the clinic, or you might need to schedule an ultrasound guided injection. Many patients report better movement and less pain after this treatment. With proper exercise and therapy, you can have a long-lasting improvement. We encourage you to call 713-512-6040 for an appointment at Memorial Hermann, or 713-526-4243 at LBJ General Hospital to be evaluated for an intra articular injection.