Faculty and Staff

Our team provides training and support for a variety of systems and software to facilitate positive learning environment and empower faculty with learning-outcome-driven technologies.


Canvas is our official learning management system (LMS) which we utilize to host course materials and administer learning activities. Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are the preferred browsers for Canvas.

ExamSoft is a computer-based assessment platform used by our MS1 and MS2 curriculum. It enables exam creation, secure test administration through Examplify, question banking, exam scoring, and reporting.  Our school’s ID is uthmed.

ExamSoft Support (24/7): 866-429-8889 or [email protected]

We offer instructional design and development services for multimedia projects. If you are interested in creating instructional videos, self-directed learning modules, and other types of e-Learning materials, please contact: [email protected]

InteDashboard is a Team-based Learning management tool for IRAT, TRAT, Applications and Peer Evaluation activities.

InteDashboard Support: [email protected]

MMS FAST is the Faculty Activity Schedule Tool where faculty can sign up to participate in educational activities.

National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) exams are used for summative exams for our curriculum.

One45 is a web-based curriculum management system that hosts schedules, grades, evaluations and clinical experiences.

Panopto is an online video management platform available for all UTHealth users. It is fully integrated with Canvas for video course content. Instructors can also create recordings directly from their home or office computers and share the videos with the students through Panopto.

Poll Everywhere is a cloud-based Audience Response System (ARS) that supports interactive classroom instruction and real-time learner engagement. Faculty can request a premium presenter account at [email protected] to poll up to 1000 participants during a poll session.

Qualtrics allows users to create surveys, and generate reports as well as collaborating with other users. Qualtrics is approved for hosting PHI/HIPPA information by UTHealth IT Security.

The UTHealth Qualtrics Licenses will expire on 8/31/2025. QuestionPro is now provided by the UTHealth IT Department as the preferred survey platform. QuestionPro allows users to create surveys, generate reports, and collaborate with other users. QuestionPro is approved by UTHealth to host PHI/HIPPA information.

Pre-clerkship students are provided with USMLE-ScholarRx. Selected Rx Bricks will be used as supplementary resources for content and faculty will choose questions from Q-max to construct practice exams. Please use Google Chrome to access the system.

UTH-Share is UTHealth’s implementation of Google Workspace for Education, a set of cloud-based collaboration tools, including Drive,  Documents, Form, Groups, Sheets, Slides, Sites, etc. UTH-Share has been approved for the secure storage of FERPA and HIPAA information. For questions about PHI enrollment or any of the Google applications contact [email protected]

Webex is a web-conferencing system available for all UTHealth users.  You can attend Webex video meetings from your computer, tablet or smartphone. Webex is fully integrated with Microsoft Outlook. Contact your IT personnel to install the Webex Productivity Tool if you are interested in scheduling a meeting directly from your Outlook calendar.

Support for users in Medical School Building (MMS) Shared Spaces (classrooms, lecture halls, meeting rooms, etc.):

  • Conference Operations (M-F 8AM-5PM): [email protected] or call 713-500-5048 in emergency

All other users:

  • MMS Online Conferencing Support (M-F 8AM-5PM via ServiceNow)
  • UTHealth Helpdesk (M-F 8AM-5PM): 713-486-4848 (to re-activate account)
  • Webex Technical Support (24/7): 1-866-229-3239

Zoom is a communications platform that allows users to connect via video, audio, phone, and chat. UTHealth employees can log in to receive a license with no meeting time limit. Students will receive a basic license with a 40-minute time limit for their scheduled meetings.

Support for users in Medical School Building (MMS) Shared Spaces (classrooms, lecture halls, meeting rooms, etc.):

  • Conference Operations (M-F 8AM-5PM): [email protected] or call 713-500-5048 in emergency

All other users:

  • MMS Online Conferencing Support (M-F 8AM-5PM via ServiceNow)
  • UTHealth Helpdesk (M-F 8AM-5PM): 713-486-4848
  • Zoom Technical Support (24/7):  1-888-799-9666 (24/7)

Other Resources

DocuSign is an enterprise service for UT employees to securely send documents and collect electronic signatures from recipients.

GO UTHealth is a URL shortening service that reduces the length of a long URL into a shorter URL while maintaining the connection between the new URL and the original URL.

Grammarly analyzes spelling, grammar, punctuation, and other common writing errors in texts. This app can be used in a web browser, in a Word document, on smartphones, etc. AI Writing Assistant (GrammarlyGO) can be enabled by request for faculty and staff members.

One Button Studio is a video recording space provided by the TMC Library. Click here for a quick start guide and reservation information.

OEP Staff

ARC is our in-house curriculum review system.

MS-Gradebook is used by the Office of Educational Programs for grading purposes for pre-clerkship students.

MS-Schedule Planning Tool is used internally by the Office of Educational Programs for curriculum planning and management.

  • You must be logged into the University network to access the MSS Schedule Planning Tool – URL: https://apps.uth.edu/mmsspt/