Quality Fellowship
For the past decade, the UT McGovern Emergency Medicine Quality fellowship has trained emergency physicians to be leaders at the department, hospital, and system level. The quality fellowship is one of many examples of McGovern EM’s enduring dedication to quality medical care.
During the one-year program, fellows will receive didactics and hands on experience in quality improvement, quality education, and patient safety initiatives. The fellows will work closely with the departmental leadership at the two clinical sites to create safer and more efficient systems of care and improve patient safety. They will be involved in the hospital-wide quality systems, interdisciplinary QI projects, root cause analyses, and the peer-review process. Additionally, they will develop a greater understanding of operations, finance, and training among many key management and leadership skills.
The fellow will also be working half of their time clinically as an academic attending split between our two emergency centers to practice their clinical care and better understand the local systems. These clinical sites include both a level one trauma and tertiary referral center in addition to a community county hospital.
Overall, the knowledge and skills offered by the UT McGovern Quality Fellowship will train physician leaders in improving safety and efficiency of healthcare platforms in a variety of settings.