Khan Military Scholarship

Saleem Khan, MD
The first Khan Military Scholarships were awarded in March 2022. This scholarship fund was established by Shane Jensen, MD, a former fellow and now a staff physician in the Division of Acute Care Surgery in honor of Saleem Khan, MD, Professor and Chief of Emergency General Surgery at McGovern Medical School. Dr. Khan has had a distinguished military career, having been deployed seven times between 2003 and 2009 to Iraq and Afghanistan. He has served in Operation Desert Storm. He is a decorated veteran who has been awarded the Bronze Star and Legion of Merit. He serves our community by providing high-quality emergency general surgical care and training the next generation of surgical and healthcare providers. The intent of the scholarship is to honor and support military trainees pursuing a career in surgery. The fund is made possible by ongoing contributions by faculty and military trainees.
Artem Boyev, DO
Keith Burczak, DO
Carter Kaminski, DO
Matthew Leatherman, DO
Renee Walker, MD
Michael Eisenberg, MD
Coleman Miller, MD
James B. Dickey, MD
Joshua Jones, MD
Yurong Mai, MD
Alex Mills, DO
Michael Van Gent, DO
Ryan Yang, MD
Jason Brill, MD
Timothy Donahue
Shane Jensen, MD
Saleem A. Khan, MD
Tien C. Ko, MD
Matthew McHale, DO
Michael Van Gent, DO